My words are nothing but air. But they are life breath to hear
— Anonymous



Alejandro Morales 2017


Hey girl hey! I know you and your mom, the UNIVERSE, are hella busy proving to us how the ultimate mother daughter duo continue to keep us humble #wonttheydoit but I had to do something out loud that many people are unwilling to. I have to thank you. Not for the obvious which is the lessons you've given me. I have to thank you for a life basted in Awkward Sauce.

  At a young age, I learned it was easier to work with you instead of against you. To trust that your mom would have my back. And, when it was bad she held me down. Choppy, roasted or slathered I made it through with indispensable indelible memories. Then came FSU and my testy 20s. I forgot what consequence looked like because YOLO. But I should've known better because in 2002 you introduced me to Tiffany from Virginia, my new roommate with an allergy to gluten. I remember trying her heavy, sprouted breads bought from specialty stores thinking it tasted like cardboard. We cooked in separate pots and pans to ensure she never got contaminated. I found out how pleasingly drunk you could get on hard cider.

  TBH at the time I didn't really believe in the allergy, I have been a vegetarian since age 12 and I know what clean eating looks like. So, one fall evening I decided to test it out by secretly giving her a grain alcohol cocktail. The truth came out as soon as her throat began itching thankfully no EPI pen was deployed. Lesson learned, moving right along merrily with life right? NOPE, no, hell nah because KARMA your plan was already in rotation. While finishing my Masters degree penning my final Essay, my body began breaking out in swollen hives. As they persisted I chalked them up to stress and switched to long sleeves instead of tanks. Life took another few unexpected turns that forced me to concentrate on my health and well-being. The results of that allergy tests in 2013 (and 2022) brought me full circle; my hives were due to gluten allergy, later nuts, sesame and if I cut gluten, nuts, and sesame out of my life they would stop. Then came the memories of what gluten free looked, smelled and didn't taste like. And the memory of that prank. The unwavering dynamic duo struck again!

  It is living a vegetarian lifestyle that brought me to Awkward Sauce: plant based, all natural, vegan\vegetarian, gluten free, nut free, sesame free multipurpose sauces that are low in sugar, salt and oil. It's because of not liking how gluten free food tastes that brought me to make Awkward Sauce. It's because of having enough chutzpah to live authentically showing that embracing the #awkwardnessissaucy #vibes is what unites us around tables in love and laughter. It's all because of you! 

KARMA you are one bad mother shut yo mouth and I cannot thank you enough for being in my corner.

Admiringly with caution,

Megan Silvera